Let's study the sign and symptoms of gestational diabetes with some basic care protocols.

Signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes

Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes
Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes

To understand the signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes first understand that the diabetes in pregnancy is called as gestational diabetes. 

To check if you have it, have your doctor diagnosed you with it? If yes, you don’t need to worry much or feel very bad about this. It is much more common than you might think.


How gestational diabetes develops?

 To understand the signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes you have to understand how it develops.

Diabetes is defines as the condition with excess sugar level in your body. The hormone which is mainly responsible to convert this glucose into pure energy is called or known as insulin which is either not produced in enough quantity or is not able to work properly and efficiently. 

This increase in the normal levels of blood sugar may cause damage to nerve cells, blood vessels and other body organs.


Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes:

Symptoms of gestatinal diabetes are hard to recognize in general, but some of ghee basic symptoms experienced by women are:


  • Unusual thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Sugar in the urine(detected by a test)
Above are the sign and symptoms of gestational diabetes.

How Harmful is Gestational Diabetes?


In general, if gestational  diabetes is treated within time and with proper care, it is not at all harmful to you and your little baby but if it is not treated carefully, the excess level of glucose in your body may be dangerous for you and your kid.


If You are generally overweight during pregnancy then you may have chances of gestational diabetes during pregnancy. 

To avoid this you should do exercise like prenatal yoga regularly and loose weight before conceiving and consult doctor about this regularly.

Signs of gestational diabetes 


You in genral have chances of gestational diabetes if your mother or anyone else in the your family history have diabetes during pregnancy.


Your age is 25 or more I.e if you are older than 25 at your time of pregnancy, you might have a bad chance to get gestational diabetes.


You have had diabetes before conception or pregnancy.


You have a bad medical history of gestational diabetes in your last pregnancy. If yes then you clearly have chance of gestational diabetes in your next pregnancy.


We recommend yoga for prenatal care.

Care to take against gestational diabetes 

Diet is the most important thing to watch. Eliminate all the bad pasta, sweets, starchy vegetables, and carbs. If you have a whole foods store around you, they have a ton of options now that are good green vegetables in place of starch. 

Don't drink Soda at all.


Add yoga and regular exercise to your day. Nothing too harsh and extreme. Maybe add walking in to your daily activities. It will help improve your stressed mood and strengthen your muscles for healthy delivery.


I would suggest keeping some kind of juice or candy around in case your glucose numbers take a dive. But not enough to sabotage your eating.


Don't stress as we have discussed the signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes and some basic care tips we hope you have a great healthy life.

Also Read : Best fruits diet plan for women.

Also Read : Prenatal yoga care.

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