Below is the list of social skills for adults and kids and this list of social skills to teach are easy

Pay attention to the below list of social skills to perfect your social health and social lifestyle.

List of Social Skills for Adults and Kids 

List of social skills for adults
List of social skills for adults 

Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and communicate with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our appearance. 

Humans are interdependent creatures and we have developed many ways to communicate our messages, thoughts and feelings with others.

So give emphasis on practicing this list of social skills for adults and kids.

10+ Social skills on the list of social skills for adults and kids good for all

The below list of social skills to teach adults and kids good things are best. 

List of social skills for adults and kids that can help then look professional & successful:

1. Do not call a person more than twice as often. If they do not pick up your phone it means they have something very important to visit.

2. Repay the loan even before the other person remembers to lend it to you. It shows your loyalty and your character. The same goes for umbrellas, pens and boxes during the day.

3. Never order an expensive meal from the menu when someone brings you lunch / dinner. If possible, ask them to order a meal of their choice.

4. Don’t ask strange questions like ‘So you’re not married yet?’ Or Why didn’t you buy a house? ‘For god’s sake it’s not your problem.

5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. You do not grow slowly by treating someone well in the community.

6. If you take a taxi with your friend, and he pays now, you pay next time.

7. Respect different political views.

8. Never interrupt people who are talking.

9. If you make fun of someone, and don't seem to enjoy it, stop and do it again.

10. Say “thank you” when someone helps you.

11. Praise publicly. Critically criticize.

12. There is almost no reason to comment on someone else's weight. Just say, "You look beautiful." If they want to talk about losing weight, they will do so.

13. When someone shows you a picture on their phone, do not swipe left or right. You never know what's next.

14. If a colleague tells you that they have time to see a doctor, do not ask what is being done, just say hope it is okay. If they want to talk about it they will do it and don't put them in an awkward position to tell you about their illness. Its one of the best in list of social skills for adults.

15. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. No one is impressed with how you treat your subordinates, but people will see that you treat them with respect.

16. When someone speaks directly to you, staring at your phone is insulting. Remember this throughly from this list of social skills for adults and kids.

17. Never give advice until you are asked

18. If you meet someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, do not ask them about their age and salary.

19. Take care of your business without anything directly affecting you - just don't go into it.

20. Take off your sunglasses when talking to anyone on the street. It is a sign of respect and a lot of attention is as important as your speech.

We hope that this list of social skills for adults and kids is useful for you.

You can also use this list of social skills to teach your loved ones for their social betterment.

Read about Kapalbhati Pranayama for better health and good life style.

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